SPRG – Sharad Poonam Raas Garba
For 11 years this project has provided cultural education for Hindu youths in the form of dance. A Harvest dance is traditional and the project staged a dance each year.
“When SPRG Group was first setup over 10 years ago, the vision was to bring our Hindu Suthar community closer together and promote the values through the younger generation. It was decided we would hold an annual event, however the key points to consider were to ensure all ages could get involved, it was free to attend, and finally, the location was simple to get to for most people.
“The religious Hindu celebration called Sharad Poonam was chosen as it is lively and colourful and involves traditional dancing called Raas Garba, hence the name of the team SPRG (Sharad Poonam Raas Garba). Each year the event got more and more popular with families attending from as far as the Midlands. We now have close to 1,000 people take part and would like to thank RTS for their generous support over the years”